KIDS Entertainment 

 “Children need love, especially when they do not deserve it.” — Harold Hulbert 

Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That’s why we call it ‘The Present’.” — Eleanor Roosevelt 


Here are some no cost or low cost activities for kids:

1. Go for a Walk.

2. Create an Obstacle Course.

3. Learn Magic.

4. Create a Time Capsule.

5. Enjoy Gardening Fun.

6. Play Water Balloon Dodgeball.

7. Host a Teddy Bear Picnic.

8. Tongue Twisters.

9. Build something out of trash/recyclables.

10. Catch fireflies.

11. Climb a tree.

12. Collect leaves and then try to identify them by researching them online or at the local library.

13. Draw on the sidewalk with sidewalk chalk.

14. Go bird watching.

15. Go to the park.

16. Have a catch.

17. Have a picnic outside.

18. Have a water balloon fight.

19. Help your child practice a sport they enjoy.

20. Jump on a trampoline together.

21. Listen to your favorite songs together and sing along.

22. Make life-size drawings of each other on the back of some old wrapping paper.

23. Make swords out of rolled-up newspaper, and have a pretend sword fight.

24. Pick flowers and press them in wax paper.

25. Plant seeds from something you've eaten, such as an apple or watermelon.

26. Play I Spy.

27. Play in the sand together at the beach, a local park, or your child's own sandbox.

28. Play tennis.

29. Put on skits for your neighbors.

30. Ride bikes.

31. Capture the Flag.

32. Run through the sprinklers.

33. Sit outside and look at the stars.

34. Swing on the swings.

35. Take a trust walk.

36. Take a walk in the woods.

37. Take your dog to a dog park or visit a local animal shelter (bring a donation).

38. Teach your child how to ride a bike.

39. Visit a garden.

40. Visit a skate park together and watch older kids do tricks.

Random Acts of Kindness for Kids – 25 Ideas for Raising Grateful and Kind Kids 

24 Birthday Party Games That Won't Cost You a Dime: These birthday party games will make your birthday party or the one you're hosting a hit without having to spend any extra money on supplies for the party games. A few of the birthday party games below require supplies but they're common objects that you probably already having laying around your house.

Gifting Sense: Teach Kids About Money | Gifts Kids Want :: teach kids good old fashioned money sense and manners by helping them replace unwanted gifts with thoughtfully preferred choices.

Cheap Indoor and Outdoor Party Games for Kids | ParentMap

Potato-sack race. Hop your way to victory in an old-fashioned sack race! In the past, this game was played using large, burlap potato sacks. Since those aren't easily obtainable anymore, good quality burlap bags can be purchased from coffee roasting companies. You could even use King-Sized pillow cases (if you don't mind them getting grass-stained!),...

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iSow - Plant a seed. Watch it grow: iSow is the future of gift-giving. Turn birthdays, holidays and special occasions into opportunities to get money for things that matter. START SOWING NOW.

Kids  Gardening 

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How to fold Money Origami, or Dollar-Bill Origami

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or get the Book: 

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The Family Ice Cream Party: "Instead of taking our family to the local ice cream shop, we buy a box of ice cream for $4 and head to our backyard for a night out with the family and a delicious ice cream. A great way to make staying at home fun!" Jennie C. from Dollar Stretcher Tips

Favorite Memories of Frugal Fun :My father was an extremely cheap man! There was one thing out of a few things that he would do that I truly did enjoy as a child and then later as an adult. On occasion, he would get my mother to pack a lunch and he'd throw the lawn chairs into the car. We would go to the airport and watch the airplanes land and take off. I loved this FREE activity and we could spend a whole afternoon with this past time. In later years, with my late husband, we had date night. We didn't go often but would when we saved up a few dollars. When I first introduced my airport adventure to him, he was thrilled. By then (and now), the airports are much more sophisticated. We not only watched the planes come in, but often would talk to people looking for directions. We played pinball, had a snack and browsed the shops. I know that this isn't everyone's cup of tea and that most people would rather be traveling. For us, it was so much fun. We couldn't afford to travel then and now I have too many health issues to go too far except for road trips. Making the most out of having to be frugal and these wonderful memories make me very happy. I have always believed that it isn't how much money you have, but what you do with what you have that counts. Karen K. from DOLLAR STRETCHER TIPS